Do you still get it if you update to our beta? You can do so via the VoiceBot Settings > Options tab, enable "Check for new Beta Version", and then click "Check for Updates Now".
Do you still get it if you update to our beta? You can do so via the VoiceBot Settings > Options tab, enable "Check for new Beta Version", and then click "Check for Updates Now".
I forgot about that, I went ahead and downloaded the beta. It doesn't show up anymore. Beta seems to sometimes act strange like when I open it, no profiles show up but they eventually do, sometimes I have to click on something and they'll show up, otherwise works much better.
I just submitted a support request on this issue.
Logfile timestamp: 2022/08/25 14:22:29.4932
2022/08/25 14:22:29.4932##_##FAIL:L1##_##voicebot.exe:992##_##BFSafeLock:Lock:89##_##-##_##Lock: lockProfiles, Calling Thread: "MainUiThreadAsync" [VBSettings:GlobalProfilesEnumerator: FormMain.Profiles:UpdateProfile_UIThread], Locked Thread: "CompileProfilesThread-7" [VBSettingsrofilesEnumerator: BuildProfileMenuGeneral], Failed to call TryEnter., [System.Exception]##_##-
Additionally, this issue started occurring with v3.8.2. I don't recall ever encoutnering it prior to that version.