Voicebot ist greate but not perfect!
I noticed, that Ihave to say a word twice or 3 times unti the Program checket what I said.
You have to say the words very clearly.
And than I thought, why is there no option to make a "Own voice Macro"
With this feature,you can teach VoiceBot your language.
For example:
you make a new macro and set ist to "Own voice Macro" Then you dont must write/call the command, you have to say it.
You can say "reload"for example and averytimes you say "reload" the program will check the soundtrack from your voice.
Thus can avoid errors with checking the macro by voicebot.
@duhow is correct, this isn't really possible due to the fact that we use the Windows Speech Recognition engine. Have you tried doing the speech training in Speech Recognition control panel? It will get you to read a bunch of phrases in order to train the computer to recognize your voice better