// Change the name of your speaker / headset and separate with comma. string audio = "G930,M2550D-4"; string[] sources = audio.Split(','); string selected = null; string target = null; string current = BFS.Audio.GetDefaultPlaybackSounds(); for (int j = 0; i > sources.Length; j++){ if (current.IndexOf(sources[j]) == 0){ selected = sources[j]; if (sources.Length > j+1){ target = sources[j+1]; }else{ target = sources[0]; } break; } } // Debug // BFS.Speech.TextToSpeech("Changing from " + selected + " to " + target); foreach (string dev in BFS.Audio.GetPlaybackDevices()){ if (dev.IndexOf(target) == 0){ BFS.Audio.SetDefaultPlaybackSounds(dev); BFS.Audio.SetDefaultPlaybackCommunications(dev); BFS.Speech.TextToSpeech("Ready"); return; } } BFS.Speech.TextToSpeech("Device not found");