8 discussion posts
First, i dont know if this is the right place to suggest things.
is there a function like this? (speech to text) if not, it would be nice if you could add it to the Voicebot. Or perhabs there is a macroscript that could do that.
Additional Feature request
-ability to Copy macros to other profiles
-ability to make macros from profiles Global (for example if the programm from the profile running, it opens it and executes the macro)
-Multiple languages in one profile and/or macro (because i want to say some in english some in german, my speak)
Why does Voicebot use this much resouces? it uses 10-18% of my cpu and i have a 3,3ghz quadcore
Mar 28, 2019 (modified Mar 28, 2019)

8 discussion posts
First, thank you Keith Lammers.
-Yes, i mean didaction. Im not very good in english, so my explanations arent very good.
-Yes and if the program is already running, the macro shall put it in the "foreground". i mean open the programm from the taskbar. (i hope its understandable)
is there a list of the things what are planed/already suggestet?
and if i have any other ideas that you could add, im happy that i can suggest it here.

28.3.2019 5611340.png
Mar 28, 2019 (modified Mar 28, 2019)

8 discussion posts
I have another suggestion, but i dont know how to explain it well, but i try.
-ability to make the "move mouse" macro locked to the programm.
- For example if you have a move mouse macro here (red circle) so that it adapts to the size of the programm (Edit, the first image shows the browser in a small size and the other one in maximized size.)
• Attachment [protected]: google big.png [536,041 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Google small.png [176,568 bytes]
Mar 28, 2019 (modified Mar 28, 2019)

8 discussion posts
Ok, thanks for the fast replies. Not all have this good support.
No worries, we try our best!