As I said, I was trying to get the first paragraph of a wikipedia article read out to me. This means I would like to catch the word or phrased uttered after my command, so for example if I say "Give me information on" and then "the moon", the script would run (as the command says) and would read the log to catch the phrase I said and use that as the search criteria in wikipedia.
Possibly first confirming the accuracy of the phrase caught in the log, for example:
"Please confirm criteria: 'The loon'" where I would have to say "Confirmed" or something similar (just a matter of setting up possible answers), have a command that triggers specifically for those confirmations to set a VoiceBot variable that I can access from the first script.
You see where this is going. Basically using the log as a freetext parameter.
In my previous question I was wondering more about setting up a list of possible variables, as expected words have a higher chance of getting caught by the recognizer (I assume), where as this would be completely unknown before hand (and of course have a lower chance of getting recognized properly, but still have the ability).
With a BFS.General.ReadLog this would be a fairly simple task. I tried to access the log through the UI programatically, but I'm not a smart man and failed constantly.
You say however there's a file I can read instead? I'll be looking into that. It would be much easier to access the file than the UI element directly.