I rolled back to 3.0, because I don't need the new features, but a start/stop shortkey.
Anyway, perhaps it helps. I noticed in 3.1 that after every start of Windows 7 the VB Icon at the taskbar shows red. I had to activate it. In 3.0 it starts ready to play.
@Pittie: Sounds like maybe the "Start Paused" option on the Settings > Options tab got enabled after the upgrade? If you update again, is that option enabled?
@Alex and duhow: Any luck reproducing this issue with debug logging enabled?
@Pittie: Sounds like maybe the "Start Paused" option on the Settings > Options tab got enabled after the upgrade? If you update again, is that option enabled?
I found my problem. If I set the computer into the powersave mode and wake it up, VB stops (Icon red) and I have to start it again. In Version 3.0 this is no problem.
The wake up time is about 9:10